Nominations are now open for individuals from all sectors of the grains value chain to become a member of one of GIWA’s five Commodity Councils.
GIWA’s role is to facilitate communication, information exchange, capacity building and grain supply chain solutions and GIWA does this through its’ Board, staff and five Commodity Councils:
Download PDF Fillable Nomination Form here
Download Word Document Nominations Form here
Membership of GIWA’s Commodity Councils includes growers, researchers, plant breeders, seed producers, agronomists, farm business advisors, input service providers, domestic feed and food grain processors, bulk and container logistics service providers, and grain traders.
Supported by GIWA staff, each Council typically meets 2-3 times per year to address grain industry issues in a pre-competitive, collaborative manner. Regionally based members can participate in meetings virtually, avoiding the need to travel while still providing input from WA’s growing regions.
Each Council provides a voice for all sectors of the value chain for that commodity, to identify and pursue opportunities, and to air and resolve contentious industry issues affecting the state’s grain industry. The Commodity Councils discuss, resolve, influence and/or have direct control of grain industry functions including among other things, grain receival standards, biosecurity, trade and market access, industry awareness raising and capacity building, variety rationalisation and classification.
To ensure there are regular opportunities for those in the grain industry to join the five GIWA Commodity Councils, a third of the positions on each Council come up for renewal each year.
Each Council annually elects a representative from that Council to be appointed to the GIWA Board, creating a pathway to participate in the grain industry at Board level for those wishing to take that step.
Nominations close on Friday 13 September and details can be found at or by calling GIWA on 08 6262 2128