GIWA welcomes all those with an interest in the grain industry to become a member. There are six different membership categories available:
- Large Corporate (over 50 FTE#)
- Medium Corporate (11-50 FTE)
- Small Corporate (2-10 FTE)
- Individual Member*
- Associate Member**
- Retired/Student**
#Full-time equivalent staff.
*Farm businesses qualify as Individual Members
**Associate and retired / student members receive information and are welcome to attend events at member discounted prices. Members in these categories have no voting rights or eligibility to sit on Councils, however, may attend Council meetings and executive meetings as observers by invitation only.
Membership is on a financial year basis (July-June). New members will be charged a pro-rata membership fee (to the nearest quarter) in the year they join. Scroll down to join as a GIWA Member via a safe and secure online form. You can find here our GIWA Constitution.
About GIWA
Established in 2008, the Grain Industry Association of Western Australia Inc (GIWA) is a not-for-profit, incorporated, whole of value chain member industry association. Its’ purpose is to support an effective and efficient Western Australian grain industry.
GIWA facilitates communication, information exchange, capacity building and grain supply chain solutions for Western Australia.
GIWA’s members include researchers, plant breeders, seed cleaners and distributors, growers, grower groups, agronomists, farm business advisors, input service providers, domestic feed and food grain processors, bulk and container logistics service providers, and the trade.
GIWA has five Councils; GIWA Barley Council, GIWA Oat Council, GIWA Oilseeds Council, GIWA Pulse Council and GIWA Wheat Council. Volunteers sitting on these Councils support industry by addressing matters impacting the grain value chain, including areas of improvement and development, and promotion and safeguarding of the industry’s long-term interests.
Why join?
A GIWA Membership will keep you informed and enable you to become more involved in the WA grains industry. GIWA continues to represent the full range of interests of those working within the WA supply chain. Some key benefits of GIWA Membership include:
- Priority access to monthly WA Crop Reports and relevant industry information
- Invitations to industry related government and trade meetings
- Invitations to GIWA organised events and networking opportunities. Member discounts will apply.
- Eligibility to be nominated or to stand for in GIWA’s Commodity Councils and Board
- Ability to contribute to development of the WA grains industry through participation in GIWA Council activities & working groups
- Ability to contribute to the management of WA grain receival standards
GIWA also offers a range of activities, initiatives and events over the next 12-months, and we encourage you keep up to date with these via our GIWABroadcast (for members and industry stakeholders) and GIWAConnect (for members only) e-newsletters, or by following us on social media.
By clicking the below link you will be directed to a new window and a form to complete. By submitting this form, you acknowledge and accept being added to the GIWA Member list and to receiving communications from GIWA.
Thank you for supporting the Western Australian grain industry by becoming a valued GIWA Member.