Tress Walmsley
Chair, GIWA Board; and Independent
Tress was appointed as the InterGrain CEO in 2012. InterGrain is a national cereal breeding business. Having joined the business at inception in 2007 as the first staff member, Tress played an integral role in governance, developing operating systems and building the company’s commercial platform.

Peter Bostock
Deputy Chair, GIWA Board; Chair, GIWA Oilseeds Council
Peter grew up on a family farm in the Upper Great Southern where his interest in canola & agronomy began. After completing studies at Muresk and a few years back on the family farm, Peter began working in commercial agronomy at Landmark where he worked for many years in the Central Wheat and Midlands region, of which, the last 3 years were spent managing the WA Agronomy team.

Tracy Lefroy
Chair, GIWA Wheat Council
Tracy is an independent, creative and successful businesswoman operating from regional Western Australia. Hailing from east of Moora, Tracy is partner in a diverse farming enterprise, Cranmore Farming.

Ashley Wiese
Deputy Chair, GIWA Oat Council
Ashley owns and manages a family farming operation in Narrogin WA, with his wife Jo and a team of wonderful staff. Originally beginning his career as an accountant, Ash went on to pursue his passion of growing food on his property which has been in his family for four generations.

Stephen Powles
Chair, GIWA Pulse Council
Stephen Powles has a lifetime of experience in agricultural education, crop production, herbicides and herbicide resistance. Stephen is Emeritus Professor at the University of Western Australia, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering.

Linda Hewson
Deputy Chair, GIWA Barley Council
Linda is a director in the family farming business in Broomehill WA, as well as secretary of the Broomehill Cropping Group. She began her career in the grains industry – firstly with the Grain Pool of WA (now CBH) in the comms team, then as a regional manager; and then as inaugural executive at the then Barley Australia (now a part of Grains Australia).

Eamonn Lanagan
Treasurer and Independent
Eamonn is a Director at Byfields Business Advisers. He is a Certified Practising Accountant and a Chartered Tax Advisor, and provides business advisory and accounting services to clients across the value chain in agribusiness throughout the wheatbelt and pastoral regions of WA.

Darshan Sharma
Darshan has over 37 years of professional experience including 25 years in various roles at DPIRD. He has accumulated a wide range of scientific and industry knowledge in grains R&D with experience in genetics, breeding, agronomy, pathology, and cropping systems.

Kellie Todman
Kellie is Manager of Government and Industry Relations at the CBH Group, liaising with local, state and federal Government and grain industry organisations to advocate for good outcomes for CBH and the grain growers of Western Australia.