The GIWA Board and commodity Councils assembled for their first meetings of 2024. The topics of discussion and key activities are outlined below.
GIWA Board
- It’s been ten years since GIWA produced the 2015-2025 Grains Industry Strategy for Western Australia and the GIWA Board is now planning the process to review and refresh the strategy for the coming decade.
- GIWA Forum planning is already underway. The date has been set for Wednesday 9 October.
- GIWA will be delivering the GRDC Farm Business Update for the coming five years.
GIWA Barley Council
- Barley Storability Project – the council is leading a project to develop a business case that quantifies the need for research to establish appropriate receival standards as a measure of malt barley storability.
- GIWA Barley Forum – Planning is underway for the 2024 event and the date has been set for Monday 29 July 2024.
- Development of the malt barley variety receival recommendation for the 2025/26 harvest is underway. These recommendations will be presented to industry for discussion and endorsement at the Barley Forum.
GIWA Wheat Council
- The council jointly hosted Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Japan Flour Millers Association (JFMA) in February visit
- The council has been involved in the review of the ASWJ blend and protein parameters for udon noodle production in Japan. More information can be found here
- The council is monitoring the outcome of the application for GM wheat trials in Australia
- They are also in discussions about the proposed GTA bin cascade rules for AWW and their implications for segregation and marketing of West Australian grain.
GIWA Oat Council
- The council continues to have input into the new national oat classification framework.
- Discussions around how to ensure sufficient oats are sown to meet local processing and export demand without triggering an oversupply
- The Oat council is heavily involved in delivery for the Processed Oat Partnership (POP) with many projects now underway, including the OATSPO Field Day which will take place on Tuesday 10 September in Highbury.
- Industry grants assessment of the POP Industry Grants are nearing finalisation.
GIWA Oilseeds Council
- Ongoing monitoring of industry issues including hybrid canola seed availability.
- Council looking into whether to hold an Oilseeds Field Day/Forum this Spring.
GIWA Pulse Council
- The Pulse council will meet in April where they will again discuss possible mechanisms to accumulate and segregate pulses to enable them to be more easily grown in Western Australia.
GIWA Grain Receival Standards Review
All commodity councils are actively participating the GIWA Receival Standards Review. Second round submissions open on 29 April and close on 24 May with the final Industry Advice Notice for GIWA Standards Review published on 15 July.