What is the Processed Oat Partnership?
The Processed Oat Partnership (POP) is an industry-led program, supported by the State Government, which will provide a foundation for growth in the oat industry over the next 20 years.
The POP aims to increase the WA production of processed oats, grain yield and hectares sown, and support industry to capture a greater share of growing international demand for oat products.
To support this the POP is co-funding projects including:
- Global standard WA-specific breeding programs that are responsive to market needs
- Targeted on-farm productivity and capacity research
- New product development, and value adding and manufacturing opportunities
- Development of new export market opportunities to capture a greater share of growing international demand for oat products.
The Grain Industry Association of WA (GIWA), through the GIWA Oat Council, is the lead program partner and advisor, providing a communications portal between stakeholders. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is the lead State Government agency for the program.
The WA State Government committed $10.12 million in the POP and industry partners are co-contributing cash, technical expertise, and other in-kind support.
The POP is managed by a Steering Committee which has representatives from across the oat supply chain including processing, grain production, breeding, market intelligence and product innovation, and State Government.
The POP is supporting the WA oat processing industry by:
Why is the State Government investing in the oat industry?
There is growing demand for both raw and processed oat products, particularly in South-East Asia, North Asia and India. Western Australia is the largest producer of oats in Australia, putting the State in an advantageous position to capitalise on these growth opportunities. Investment in the POP supports the State Government’s priorities of creating more regional and metro jobs, economic diversification and more WA-based food manufacturing using local produce.
How long will the program run for?
The program started in the 2021/22 financial year and will run until June 2025.
Was industry consulted during the development of this program?
Yes. GIWA and DPIRD consulted closely with oat growers, processors, breeders, researchers and relevant State and Federal Government stakeholders to develop a business case for the POP. The program is now managed by a Steering Committee which has representatives from across the oat industry value chain – breeding, DPIRD research and development, grain production, processing, market intelligence and product innovation, and GIWA – ensuring ongoing industry engagement.
Can I get funding for a processed oat project?
During early 2023, the POP Steering Committee called for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from food manufacturers, processors and growers who were considering setting up oat processing projects in Western Australia. By mid-2023, companies who submitted EOI’s were invited to provide funding proposals for their oat processing projects. The outcome of this process is anticipated to be announced during late-2023.
No further funding rounds are planned at this point. For more information, please email [email protected].
With the support of the Grain Industry Association of Western Australia, POP is offering an oat focused scholarship in 2026.
The scholarship is suited to anyone involved in growing, agronomy, breeding, processing or marketing of WA oats and aims at advancing oat processing opportunities in Western Australia, with a focus on research that benefits WA’s milling oat industry.
Research should focus on innovative solutions and opportunities to grow the scale and value of oat processing in Western Australia, including through oat food and beverage manufacture and value adding to oat processing by-products.
Western Australian oat grower Shannen Barrett was the inaugural recipient of the 2024 oat-focused Nuffield Scholarship, supported by the Processed Oat Partnership and the Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA). Read all about her experience here.
To apply for the POP and GIWA oat-focused scholarship visit Nuffield Australia